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Celkem záznamů: 7851
Transport by Private Car

21.6.2008 — Transport by private car is recommended only if you need to cover longer distances or travel outside of the city.

Third generation of common European vipers in Prague Zoo

31.8.2020 — Vipera berus, the common European adder or common European viper, is the only venomous snake that can be found in the Czech Republic. The third generation was bred in Prague Zoo in August and visitors can admire the baby snakes in the part of the zoo called 'Zakázanka'.


5.3.2008 — Pozvánka do Paláce Akropolis, 18. 4. 2008 v 19:30

Kraje pro bezpečný internet 2015

12.6.2015 — Projekt Kraje pro bezpečný internet 2015 je pokračováním loňského úspěšného projektu. Jeho účelem je upozornit veřejnost a zejména mládež na skrytá nebezpečí spojená s užíváním počítačů, tabletů a chytrých mobilních telefonů a cestou prevence tato nebezpečí minimalizovat.

Legends in the Aero: Mad Max is back on the scene

26.4.2019 — The director George Miller made cinematic history with the creation of the Mad Max cult movies. Now you can see all the movies in the series in one day, on the 27th of April 2019 at Aero cinema, as part of the 'Legends of Aero' series. The movies are in English with Czech subtitles.

PORGY AND BESS - George Gershwin

9.2.2012 — 23.2.2012 od 19:30 v Obecním domě

Limitations in Prague City Hall

20.3.2020 — Prague City Hall is limiting its services and is operating exclusively at the counters. New City Hall is closed, and these changes will also affect the City Council's activities.

Traffic restrictions on Vinohradská Avenue

8.3.2019 — On Saturday, the 9th of March 2019, the reconstruction of the tram line on Vinohradská Avenue will begin on the stretch from Škrétova Street to Sudoměřská Street. The expected completion date is the 12th of July 2019. Trams will not operate in the I. P. Pavlova - Muzeum - Flora section, and buses will provide alternative routes. Road traffic will only be maintained in the direction from the city centre from Legerova Street to Jiřího z Poděbrad Square. In the next part of Vinohradská Avenue, as well as in the direction to the city centre, the following diversions and alternative routes are proposed:

Pilotů Cinema hosts new Indian film festival

25.2.2020 — A brand-new film festival is coming to Prague. The first annual independent Indian film festival, 'INDIE-INDIA', will take place in the Pilotů Cinema on the 28th and 29th of February.

Open Day in Točná Airport

8.11.2019 — Old airplanes will be on display for the Open Day in Točná Airport, which the airport organises on the second Saturday of each month. This time, you can admire some new additions on Saturday, the 9th of November. You can also look forward to the take-off and landing of airplanes, weather permitting.

Charles Bridge Renovation Began

14.9.2007 — At last the Charles Bridge renovation finally started, it has been planned since 1991. Its completion date is 11th June 2010 and the repairs should prevent water leakage and improve the infrastructure of the bridge and its access roads. Repair works cost more than 222 million crowns and doesn't concern the stone bridge's antique patina as this will be repaired in 10 years time.

EIA in Prague - tables

20.6.2007 — informace z ročenky Praha ŽP 2006

Waste water

29.5.2006 — The text from the chapter Wastewater published in yearbook Prague Environment 2005.


27.6.2007 — The text from the chapter Wastewater published in yearbook Prague Environment 2006.

Restoration of tower clocks on historic Prague buildings

19.5.2020 — The tower clocks on seventeen of Prague's major historic buildings will be restored this year.

Nativity scenes from Třešť in Jindřišská Tower

9.1.2019 — The third floor of the Jindřišská Tower is now dedicated to an exhibition of original nativity scenes hand-carved by craftsmen from Třešť, which has become known as the town of nativity scenes. In this small town in the Jihlava district, the beautiful tradition of carving those extraordinary works has been handed down from father to son, from generation to generation for over two hundred years.http://www.jindrisskavez.cz.

Exhibition on Screen: Introducing the young Picasso

27.3.2019 — On the 31st of March 2019, a project dedicated to the early works of Pablo Picasso will be screened in Lucerna cinema as part of the Exhibition on Screen series.