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Interesting Prague buildings open to the public

18.5.2019 — Would you like to visit architecturally valuable Prague buildings that are usually inaccessible to the public?

Prague Zoo bringing vultures back to Bulgaria

15.9.2019 — For a long time, Prague Zoo has been involved in the project of returning Egyptian vultures (Neophron percnopterus) to the Balkans, which was once their natural habitat.

Another successful year for Prague Zoo

18.1.2019 — Prague Zoo is one of the best zoos in the world, and was ranked fifth-best internationally last year. The zoo's breeding programmes have been successful - 1340 animals were born here in the last year. New species of animals have been introduced to the zoo, including the Etruscan shrew, the smallest mammal in the world. This insectivore, which is between 3 and 5 centimetres long excluding the tail and has an average body mass of 1.8 grams, is to be found from the end of the summer in the pavilion 'African House'.

This year's Febiofest will be packed with great movies

21.3.2019 — Febiofest, Prague's biggest film festival, is about to start in the Czech capital. This year's 26th annual festival will once again please the hearts and souls of all visitors with a selection of the most interesting films from the Czech Republic and abroad. In just over a quarter of a century, the festival has become a true landmark of Prague's cultural scene.


8.8.2012 —

Emergency measures put in place from the 12th to the 25th of October

10.10.2020 — On the 8th of October 2020, following the declaration of a national emergency due to the increase in COVID cases, the Czech Government decided to take emergency measures to reduce the spread of the pandemic.

Abstract sculptures in Troja Château Gardens

22.5.2020 — Prague City Gallery is slowly returning to normal operation after the closure due to the coronavirus pandemic. For example, visitors can admire 'Colorbond', a sculpture exhibition by Jan Kovářík, from mid-May. Troja Château Gardens belong to the most beautiful Baroque gardens in Prague. Art lovers can find many statues, rare decorative terracotta vases, pergolas, a maze and fountains there. Kovářík's sculptures will give the garden's visitors an additional artistic experience during the tourist season.

A new vineyard on the slopes of Vítkov in Prague

18.12.2019 — There is much more to Prague than well-known tourist attractions like Hradčany and Wenceslas Square. For example, the Czech capital currently has a total number of fourteen vineyards within its borders. The most famous are St. Clare's Vineyard and Salabka Vineyard in Troja, Máchalka Vineyard in Vysočany, and Grébovka in Prague 2. The new vineyard in the park in Vítkov is a recent addition.

Firework's national colours to mark Czechoslovak centenary

28.12.2017 — The annual New Year's Day firework in Prague will be held in the Czech national colours to mark the upcoming 100th anniversary of the birth of Czechoslovakia and it will be closed with the national anthem.

Summer in Museum Kampa

16.7.2009 — Exhibitions

Step Back in Time with a Steam Engine Trip

1.4.2019 — Do not miss the opportunity to experience what it was like to travel by train in the age of the steam engine. On Saturday, the 6th of April 2019, you can take a steam engine trip on the most scenic rail lines in the Czech capital.

Chilean jazz musician’s concert in Prague

27.10.2019 — On the 29th of October, Chilean saxophonist Melissa Aldana will perform in Novodvorská Cultural Centre. Aldana can be characterised as a musician with a great temperament, virtuosity and love of jazz roots. The concert is part of the concert series Jazz Meets World.

Stories of Sculptures II: Jeroným Kohl and Contemporaries

15.12.2019 — You will have the opportunity to attend an interesting lecture in the Colloredo-Mansfeld Palace, the educational centre of the Prague City Gallery, on the 17th of December. This time, the gallery has prepared a lecture on the famous Baroque sculptor Jerome Kohl and his works, as part of their lecture series Stories of Sculptures.

Liechtenstein Palace, Prague’s Classicist gem, opens to visitors

23.7.2020 — The palaces in Prague are opening after the coronavirus closure. The Government of the Czech Republic will open the unique Liechtenstein Palace on Kampa Island to the public on Saturday the 25th of July.

Czech Museum of Music commemorates famous tenor Karel Burian

28.2.2020 — The Czech Museum of Music, which is part of the National Museum, is hosting an exhibition on the famous opera singer Karel Burian until the 2nd of March.