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Sports Clubs Open Month 2020

31.8.2020 — The city of Prague and the partner organisation 'Praha sportovní' are holding the ninth Sports Clubs Open Month ('Měsíc náborů do sportovních Klubů') in September. The aim of this project is to offer children from Prague the opportunity to try out various sports and pick out their favourite.

Concerts outside your home

20.4.2020 — 'Hrajeme do oken' ('We Play at your Windows') is a new project that began with performances by Trio Amadeus and the band Zrní.

Prague on 11th place in the world among urban destinations

8.3.2023 — Euromonitor International's Top 100 City Destinations Index 2022

Akcent International Theatre Festival

25.11.2019 — Akcent International Theatre Festival, organised by Archa Theatre, is on until the 2nd of December. Theatre installations, interactive scenic events and productions of documentary theatre are all on the festival's programme. Archa Theatre has been organising the international documentary theatre festival Akcent since 2010. Their aim is to create a platform for art that crosses the boundaries between art, social issues and politics.

Navalis Saint John’s Celebrations will light up the centre of Prague

13.5.2019 — On the 15th of May 2019, the annual celebrations of St. John of Nepomuk will take place in Prague.

05252004-rozhovor-JUDr. Petr Hulinský, náměstek primátora hl. m. Prahy-Právo-Pražský maratón sleduje celý svět

25.5.2004 — Jeho sportovní i společenský význam je bezpochyby obrovský, protože pražský maratón patří k největším běhům na celém světě, například je to partnerský sportovní podnik maratónu v New Yorku. Letošní účast, tři týdny po našem vstupu do EU, byla největší v historii, běželo více než 4200 sportovců.

Finanční příspěvky města pro sportovní akce

18.8.2009 — Rada hlavního města Prahy schválila přidělení finančních prostředků v celkové výši 2 340 000 korun na podporu sportovních akcí v roce 2009. Hlavní město Praha na tyto akce přispívá a podporuje je v rámci partnerství při jejich pořádání.


30.11.2011 — There are many ways how to travel in Prague: the beauty of the city can be explored by tram, metro, bus, boat, funicular, taxi, car or bike. The most comfortable way to travel in the historical centre is the public transport, which can take you almost anywhere. It is cheap and quick. Travelling by car is recommended only exceptionally.

‘Phenomenon of Prague Passages’ photo exhibition

16.9.2020 — An interesting exhibition focusing on Prague's covered passages started on Monday, the 14th of September. This exhibition of photographs allows you to learn more about the city of Prague in detail.

Václav Havel Library presents famous journalist’s memoir

5.10.2019 — Barbara Coudenhove-Kalergi's autobiography 'Home is Everywhere' will be presented in Prague by the author, who will read from the book in the Václav Havel Library on the 7th of October.

Prague monitors the coronavirus situation

31.1.2020 — The leaders of the Integrated Rescue System and other bodies met in Prague City Hall in order to discuss and exchange information on preparations for potential occurrences of coronavirus in Prague.

City of Prague acknowledges blood donors at Prague Symphony Orchestra (FOK) gala concert

30.9.2019 — The Czech capital wants to thank blood donors by inviting them to the first of three Prague Symphony Orchestra (FOK) concerts at the end of September. City representatives and representatives of the Czech Red Cross Regional Organisation (CRC) will also receive the Jánský Gold Medal, which is traditionally given to donors who give blood 40 times. Subsequent concerts are scheduled for February and May next year.

Prague Castle displays newly purchased paintings by Kamil Lhoták

11.2.2019 — For almost 11 million CZK, Prague Castle Administration bought two paintings by the well-known Czech painter Kamil Lhoták (1912-1990). The paintings will be exhibited at the Picture Gallery at the 2nd Courtyard of Prague Castle until February 28th.

World Wildlife Celebration in Chuchle

28.2.2019 — The UN World Wildlife Day is traditionally celebrated on the 3rd of March.

Gallery Weekend Prague draws attention to exciting art for the third year in a row

25.4.2019 — From the 26th to the 28th April 2019, nineteen galleries will take part in the third annual Gallery Weekend Prague.

Zlíchov Open Day

11.4.2019 — The Zlíchov Depot is reopening after the winter break.