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Vyhledané záznamy
Celkem záznamů: 275912
Směrové dopravní značení cyklotras
3.2.2009 —
‘Phenomenon of Prague Passages’ photo exhibition
16.9.2020 — An interesting exhibition focusing on Prague's covered passages started on Monday, the 14th of September. This exhibition of photographs allows you to learn more about the city of Prague in detail.
Zástavba proluky na rohu ulic Národní a Mikulandská
5.2.2014 — (území Pražské památkové rezervace)
City of Prague acknowledges blood donors at Prague Symphony Orchestra (FOK) gala concert
30.9.2019 — The Czech capital wants to thank blood donors by inviting them to the first of three Prague Symphony Orchestra (FOK) concerts at the end of September. City representatives and representatives of the Czech Red Cross Regional Organisation (CRC) will also receive the Jánský Gold Medal, which is traditionally given to donors who give blood 40 times. Subsequent concerts are scheduled for February and May next year.
Porcelain Flowers for the Century of Czechoslovakia
30.11.2018 — Unique technique of cut printing created flowers for the republic.
Sbírka na Karlův most začíná
29.8.2001 —
9.8.2010 — Permanent exhibition
Karlínská komedie aneb O nové české operetě
13.2.2003 —
Masks for Prague
25.3.2020 — The lack of face masks in Prague has led to a huge wave of solidarity, as people make marks at home and give them to their fellow citizens. However, masks must be sterilised and effectively distributed.
Czech Technical University and Czech Academy of Sciences develop new half mask
15.4.2020 — The Czech Technical University in Prague and the Czech Academy of Sciences have developed and tested a new protective respirator half mask in Prague. It fits better than FFP2 respirators, which are imported from Asia and are less effective in Europe due to their different shape.
Zadání žádosti o platbu - Benefit - inicializační dávka
16.5.2008 — Žádosti o platbu je třeba generovat v programu Benefit za pomoci souboru se schváleným projektem. Pokud tento speciální soubor formátu .ben nemáte nebo je poškozený, pak je třeba ho ve Vašem počítači nasimulovat pomocí tzv. inicializační dávky.
Národní dům - Kulturní dům železničářů, s.r.o.
15.9.2009 —
Mýty o očkování
15.1.2021 —
25.6.2014 —
Kvalita vody - archiv
14.7.2014 —