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Celkem záznamů: 15089
Commemorate the First Defenestration of Prague

26.7.2019 — New Town Hall (Novoměstská radnice) and the Municipal District Prague 2 have prepared an interesting programme for the anniversary of the First Defenestration of Prague, from the 27th to the 31st of July. You can take part in guided tours, an open-air cinema in the New Town Hall courtyard and other events in Charles Square (Karlovo náměstí).

DOT 504 o.s.

26.8.2009 —


25.9.2006 — Pozvánka na ukončení festivalu soch

Berliner Philharmoniker New Year’s Eve Concert

31.12.2018 — For the eighth time, the traditional New Year's Eve Gala Concert of the Berlin Philharmonic. Orchestra will be broadcasted live to cinemas all over the world, the Lucerna cinema in Prague being one of them. Ring in the New Year a little bit differently in 2018! The Berliner Philharmoniker is one of the most important symphonic orchestras in the world. Much of their fame is due to the legendary conductor Herbert von Karajan. In the Gramophone's review of The World's 20 Greatest Orchestras, critics rated the orchestra as the second-best in the world.

Praha přispěje na volbu Miss neslyšící

17.7.2007 — Rada hlavního města se rozhodla podpořit soutěž Miss Deaf World 2007, tedy volbu nejkrásnější dívky s postižením sluchu, finančním darem ve výši sto tisíc korun. Finále soutěže se konalo v neděli v Top Hotelu Praha pod záštitou pražského primátora Pavla Béma a radního Jiřího Janečka.

Exhibition on Screen: Introducing the young Picasso

27.3.2019 — On the 31st of March 2019, a project dedicated to the early works of Pablo Picasso will be screened in Lucerna cinema as part of the Exhibition on Screen series.