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Support Czech culture by buying ‘Nothing’ tickets

7.4.2020 — A nationwide project to support theatres, concert halls, clubs and artists has been launched. 'NIC' tickets have been on sale since the 1st of April. 'Nic' means 'nothing' in Czech and that is the aim of this project - as cultural events cannot take place, cultural institutions and artists need your support. According to Hana Třeštíková, Prague City Councillor for Culture, Czech people are inventive, so instead of simply asking for donations, they came up with a plan to sell tickets for 'non-existing' cultural events, which will (not) take place on the 1st of May.

Prague Castle hosts an art exhibition from the era of Wenceslas IV of Bohemia

19.9.2019 — An exhibition dedicated to the 600th anniversary of the birth of the Czech king Wenceslas IV (Václav IV.) is on in the Imperial Stables of Prague Castle until the 3rd of November. It will display the era of his rule, as well as Gothic art and architecture from around 1400 AD.

Zápis z komise Rady HMP redakční rada

2.1.2003 — ze dne 29.11.2002

L'Etape Czech Republic by Tour de France

24.8.2021 — Závod a zároveň festival cyklistiky se uskuteční v sobotu 28. srpna. Ale není nutné závodit, může to být i pohodová vyjížďka. Start a cíl jsou v Praze, trasy vedou po uzavřených silnicích Křivoklátska, Berounska a Českého krasu a na každého, kdo to zvládne, čeká medaile.

Praha bude odstranění billboardů vymáhat soudně. Společnost Czech Outdoor má nelegálně billboardy na 58 pozemcích města

29.8.2023 — Hlavní město Praha podalo žalobu na společnost Czech Outdoor na vyklizení pozemků. V rámci boje s nelegální reklamou přikročila Praha k tomuto kroku poté, co společnost doposud ani přes opakované výzvy neodstranila nelegální billboardy z 58 pozemků města.

May uprising czech people 1945

26.4.2017 — Culmination of the anti-Nazi resistance.

May uprising czech people 1945

26.4.2017 — Culmination of the anti-Nazi resistance.

World Wildlife Celebration in Chuchle

28.2.2019 — The UN World Wildlife Day is traditionally celebrated on the 3rd of March.

Experience the Middle Ages in Břevnov Monastery

24.5.2019 — On the 25th of May 2019, Břevnov Monastery, the most important ecclesiastical centre of its time, will hold 'Středověké slavnosti' (a Medieval Festival) for the sixth time. As usual, visitors can look forward to a varied programme for all age groups.

Step Back in Time with a Steam Engine Trip

1.4.2019 — Do not miss the opportunity to experience what it was like to travel by train in the age of the steam engine. On Saturday, the 6th of April 2019, you can take a steam engine trip on the most scenic rail lines in the Czech capital.

Czech open 2013

7.8.2013 —

Cenu pro nejlepšího tenistu na vozíku předal pražský primátor

6.12.2009 — Primátor hl. m. Prahy Pavel Bém převzal záštitu nad 13. ročníkem mezinárodního halového turnaje tenistů na vozíku „Prague Cup Czech Indoor 2009“ a dnes odpoledne předal cenu nejlepšímu v kategorii mužů. Vítězství a již čtvrtý turnajový titul v pořadí získal Stefan Olsson ze Švédska po výhře nad slovenským reprezentantem Jozefem Felixem.

Top speedway racers will compete at Markéta Speedway Stadium

15.6.2019 — On Saturday, the 15th of June 2019, the next round of the prestigious FIM Speedway Grand Prix, the World Championship of Individuals, will take place at Markéta Speedway Stadium. The 23rd annual Speedway World Championship in the Czech Republic will be the third round in the Speedway Grand Prix. The first race took place in May in Warsaw, and the next round will be in Krško, Slovenia.

Konference Czech Innovation Day

16.4.2007 — Význam inovací a jejich sociální a ekonomický přínos je téma konference Czech Innovation Day, která se dnes koná ve velkém jednacím sále Magistrátu hl. m. Prahy. Mezi přibližně dvěmi sty účastníky jsou jak představitelé veřejné správy a akademické sféry, tak zástupci průmyslu a podnikání. Konferenci poskytl záštitu primátor hl. m. Prahy Pavel Bém.

Interesting sculptures on Charles Square

28.9.2020 — Prague City Gallery manages several dozen public sculptures. Some of them can be found in Charles Square (Karlovo náměstí) in the city centre. Some of the most famous among them are the statue of the scientist, doctor, scholar and biologist Jan Evangelista Purkyně, the statue of the writer Eliška Krásnohorská and the statue of the writer Karolina Světlá.

Get to know sculptor Matthias Braun’s art

20.10.2019 — Prague City Gallery has several dozen sculptures that are accessible to the public. We have already introduced some of them here on www.praha.eu. This time, we will look at Matyáš Bernard Braun's sculptures in Prague. The Austrian sculptor and woodcarver is one of the most important sculptors of the High Baroque period in the Czech Republic. Although he was not a Czech native, he created some of his most precious works in Bohemia.

Nabídka nábytku

3.9.2002 —