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Celkem záznamů: 2378
Grants of the City of Prague in the field of culture 2010

13.1.2010 — Multi-year grants (maximum 4-year long)

City Gallery Prague

16.3.2009 —

Nativity scenes from Třešť in Jindřišská Tower

9.1.2019 — The third floor of the Jindřišská Tower is now dedicated to an exhibition of original nativity scenes hand-carved by craftsmen from Třešť, which has become known as the town of nativity scenes. In this small town in the Jihlava district, the beautiful tradition of carving those extraordinary works has been handed down from father to son, from generation to generation for over two hundred years.http://www.jindrisskavez.cz.

Letenské sady - místa zájmu

28.2.2013 — podrobné popisy