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Celkem záznamů: 7944
Lavender field in Prague Botanical Garden – a ‘Czech Provence’
15.8.2020 — There are not many people who would resist the beauty of lavender. Prague Botanical Garden grows a great number of this medicinal plant species in its outdoor exhibition, including whole lavender field which makes you feel like you are in the beautiful region of Provence. Lavender grows primarily is the western Mediterranean, and the lavender fields in the southeast of France are a great tourist attraction.
The National Museum restores blue whale skeleton
25.4.2020 — The National Museum in Prague is working on a restoration of its largest collection item, the blue whale skeleton. Visitors will soon be able to see it online.
Biggest international floorball tournament comes to Prague
5.8.2019 — The international floorball tournament Czech Open 2019 will take place in thirteen halls across Prague from the 8th to the 11th of August. The tournament is not only for elite world teams, but also for amateur and junior teams. The 28th international floorball tournament is considered one of the largest and most prestigious in the world. The biggest stars regularly come to Prague for this event.
Christmas in Náprstek Museum
14.12.2019 — Once again, the Náprstek Museum of Asian, African and American Cultures in Prague will host their popular Christmas event for the whole family, 'Vánoce u Halánků' (Christmas in Halánků). The event will take place on the 15th of December.
TISKOVÉ ZPRÁVY: Hvězda afrického hip hopu K´NAAN 7.12. 2006 v Paláci Akropolis
23.10.2006 — Pozvánka na koncert RESPECT PLUS podzim 2006
9.8.2010 — Permanent exhibition
Dear Praguers,
20.9.2012 — this beautiful Indian summer is so tempting for taking walks around the city. I recommend Prague Botanic Garden and Zoo.
Rare Chacoan peccary offspring in Prague Zoo mean hope for world breeding
16.6.2019 — At the beginning of May, two rare Chacoan peccary piglets (called Wagner's peccary in Czech from their scientific name Catagonus wagner) were born in Prague Zoo. Now visitors can see them with their parents in outside enclosure at the top of the zoo. This is a great zoological event: the Chacoan peccary has existed since prehistoric times and was only known from archaeological evidence until the 1970s.
Tenth annual Lunchmeat Festival in Prague
29.9.2019 — Lunchmeat Festival, an annual international festival dedicated to advanced electronic music and new media art, will take place between the 30th of September and the 5th of October. This year, the tenth annual audio-visual festival will take place in four venues.
Land balance and registration of greenery - the register of lands and greenery
26.5.2006 — Informace z ročenky Praha životní prostředí 2005
World Wildlife Day in Prague Zoo
6.3.2020 — World Wildlife Day will be celebrated in Prague Zoo in Troja on Saturday the 7th of March. Although World Wildlife Day is on the 3rd of March, Prague Zoo is celebrating on the closest Saturday - the 7th of March. World Wildlife Day is on the 3rd of March because an important CITES (Convention on International Trade in Endangered Species of Wild Fauna and Flora) meeting of representatives from 80 countries was held in the US on the 3rd of March 1973.
Visit Prague City Gallery exhibitions online
23.3.2020 — Art institutions, including Prague City Gallery, are adapting to the new situation and restrictions. The gallery is keeping in touch with its visitors online.