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Celkem záznamů: 5342
Praha podpoří z evropských dotací inovativní projekty ke zlepšení plynulosti dopravy
30.11.2021 — Radní hlavního města Prahy v pondělí odsouhlasili poskytnutí dotace z Operačního programu Praha - pól růstu ve výši téměř 20 milionů korun na projekt vývoje systému Vytěžování dopravních dat na základě vstupu do Centrálního registru vozidel a dalších databází. Informační systém poskytne data o charakteristikách dopravního provozu, které městu pomohou při lepším plánování silniční dopravy.
Dostupné družstevní bydlení bylo hlavním bodem konference Fórum BD 2021
4.11.2021 — Ve dnech 2. a 3. listopadu 2021 se konal 3. ročník konference Fórum BD 2021, která byla určena především předsedům a ředitelům velkých bytových družstev a jejich obchodních partnerů. V rámci konference se probírala aktuální témata správy a provozu bytových domů, inovací v oblasti informačních technologií a také družstevní bytová výstavba, kterou se snaží hlavní město zlepšit dostupnost bydlení v metropoli.
MAREK KVETÁN / b. 05/03, 2010; d. 02/05, 2010
1.3.2010 — Exhibition
21.9.2011 — Meetings between a citizen and the relevant employee of Prague City Hall outside visiting times are usually held after prior arrangement during office hours.
Tourism Portal
8.6.2012 —
Interesting sculptures on Charles Square
28.9.2020 — Prague City Gallery manages several dozen public sculptures. Some of them can be found in Charles Square (Karlovo náměstí) in the city centre. Some of the most famous among them are the statue of the scientist, doctor, scholar and biologist Jan Evangelista Purkyně, the statue of the writer Eliška Krásnohorská and the statue of the writer Karolina Světlá.
Stream films and documentaries with DAFilms.cz
16.10.2020 — he streaming service DAFilms.cz regularly introduces important titles from Czech and world cinematography. Forget the pandemic for a while and check out the latest available films. The DAFilms.cz website, which offers many interesting films and documentaries, is the fruit of the creative cooperation between 7 key European documentary film festivals associated in the Doc Alliance. The aim of the project is to push the boundaries of documentary film, to promote its diversity and to promote quality original films.
Experience a traditional Christmas atmosphere in Prague Botanical Garden
10.12.2019 — The Botanical Garden's greenhouse in the Faculty of Science, Charles University in Prague offers you a unique opportunity to discover the history of Christmas in all its glory. You can go back to our ancestors' times to see how they decorated their Christmas trees and how they made nativity scenes. You will also be able to create your own Christmas ornaments and decorations in the workshop.
National Gallery exhibits Myslbek’s works depicting human poverty
18.9.2020 — The National Gallery Prague hosts temporary graphic exhibitions in the Fair Trade Palace. One of them is an exhibition of a collection of drawings and prints by Karel Myslbek entitled 'The Silent Drama of Human Poverty', which takes place until the 8th of November. The National Gallery has rich and wide-ranging collection of graphics and drawings from various periods and styles. However, artworks on paper cannot be exhibited for a long time, so drawings and graphics are regularly presented in short-term exhibitions. The current exhibit in the Graphic Cabinet introduces the world of the gloomy but interesting Czech painter, Karel Myslbek.
Art from your car
23.4.2020 — The Art Parking project will be launched in two locations in Prague on Friday the 24th of April. Art Parking is a multi-genre festival that aims to offer dozens of theatre performances, concerts, and film screenings from now until the end of June.
Garden through your eyes
10.2.2020 — The northern part of Prague Botanical Garden has recently been adorned with twelve large-format photographs. These are award-winning shots from the 'Zahrada vašima očima' ('Garden through Your Eyes') competition.
Traffic restrictions on ‘Štěrboholská spojka’
17.3.2019 — From the 18th of March, traffic on the link road 'Štěrboholská spojka' will be restricted.