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Blíží se konec akce Milostivé léto II, lidé tak mají poslední možnost zbavit se jednoduše dluhů i vůči hlavnímu městu a městským organizacím

14.11.2022 — Pražané, kteří se dostali do exekucí kvůli nesplaceným poplatkům, pokutám či nájmům vůči Magistrátu hl. m. Prahy, jeho městským organizacím či městským částem, mají v těchto dnech poslední možnost využít akce Milostivé léto II a zaplatit mnohem menší dluh. Ze strany dlužníků je o akci i tentokrát velký zájem, končí však už 30. listopadu 2022. Hlavní město při této příležitosti spustilo informační kampaň, k dispozici je stále také bezplatná linka 800 100 000.

Young Egyptian vultures head from Prague Zoo to Bulgaria

31.8.2020 — Prague Zoo has been working to protect endangered Egyptian vultures in Bulgaria for a long time. Experts placed two young birds into two wild vultures' nests in the Eastern Rhodopes a few days ago as part of this programme.

Buskers will fill the streets of Prague

23.6.2020 — Prague Music Festival ('Praha Žije Hudbou') will take place between the 25th and 27th of June. 150 musicians will take part in the fifth year of the street art festival, playing in the streets, squares and parks of Prague. Do you appreciate live music in the streets? Are you familiar with the feeling of listening to a great band in the city centre with your friends and family, enjoying an unforgettable evening? This is what Prague Music Festival is all about.


8.6.2012 — Three quarters of European citizens live and work in big cities. For that reason, these cities joined together in 1986 and founded the non-profit organization EUROCITIES to share knowledge and apply this knowledge in practice.

Famous teacher and writer’s life story in comics

19.2.2020 — The National Pedagogical Museum hosts an interesting exhibition that tells the life story of Jan Amos Comenius (Komenský in Czech) in a unique way. The 'KOMenský v KOMiksu' ('Comenius in the Comics') exposition will be open in the museum building on Valdštejnská Street until the 31st of December 2020.

Funicular to Petřín closed for maintenance

5.3.2019 — From Monday the 4th to Friday the 15th of March 2019, the funicular from Újezd to Petřín will be out of operation due to regular spring maintenance.

Best pole dancing show coming soon!

16.2.2020 — Come to appreciate and support the best pole dance contestants who have made their way through the individual rounds of Battle League 2019 to the elite final of the competition. Pole Battle Championship will take place on the 22nd of February in the sports hall TJ Sokol Královské Vinohrady.

Christmas Night Run

25.11.2019 — On Saturday, the 14th of December 2019, the fourth annual charity Christmas Night Run will take place in the centre of Prague. This 5km-long race will start and finish in front of Rudolfinum at Palachovo Square. Both individual racers and teams can take part in the race, and as was the case in the previous years, there will be a special race for children.