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Má se primátorka vzdát platu?
2.9.2017 — Zdroj: Pražský deník | Deník | Strana: 4 Kategorie: Regionální zprávy Vydavatel: Vltava-Labe-Press 2. září 2017
Press Release: DESIGNBLOK
11.4.2009 — Designblok - the annual week-long exhibition of new pieces from the world of design
Prague Folklore Days will brighten the Prague summer
16.7.2019 — From the 18th to the 21st of July, the fourteenth international meeting of amateur folklore groups will take place in the centre of Prague, bringing the richness and beauty of folk art from all over the world.
Dvořákova Praha International Music Festival promises two weeks of beautiful music
8.9.2019 — The twelfth year of one of the biggest festivals of classical music in the Czech Republic will welcome the famous conductors Zubin Mehta and Neeme Järvi. Top soloists, internationally recognised orchestras and chamber ensembles will also meet on stage. Dvořákova Praha International Music Festival takes place from the 8th to the 23rd of September.
‘Pražské primátorky’ will transform the Vltava River into a sports arena
7.6.2019 — From the 7th to the 9th of June, the traditional rowing race 'Pražské primátorky' will take place on the Vltava River with backing by the Mayor of the City of Prague. The most famous event of its kind in Prague, 'Pražské primátorky', was held for the first time in 1910, and has been held every year, with the exception of 1914 to 1918.
Children’s fairy tale art is decorating the Ctěnice Chateau
13.2.2019 — The City of Prague Museum, in cooperation with the Free State of Saxony's liaison office in Prague, organised an exhibition of children's drawings with fairy tale themes in the Ctěnice Chateau complex. The exhibition will be open until the 17th March.
The exhibition of nativity scenes at the Museum of Charles Bridge accompanies the story of a Christmas tree
12.12.2018 — Prague's nativity scenes flooded Prague this year. You can admire them, for example, in the Charles Bridge Museum. Not only will you see the Holy Family in a straw-like form and life-size, there is also a unique Czech one - a fish nativity scene written in the Czech Book of Records or an African nativity scene from ebony wood. And this year, the museum also focused on the history of the Christmas tree.
The exhibition of nativity scenes at the Museum of Charles Bridge accompanies the story of a Christmas tree
12.12.2018 — Prague's nativity scenes flooded Prague this year. You can admire them, for example, in the Charles Bridge Museum. Not only will you see the Holy Family in a straw-like form and life-size, there is also a unique Czech one - a fish nativity scene written in the Czech Book of Records or an African nativity scene from ebony wood. And this year, the museum also focused on the history of the Christmas tree.
Prague historic VIP lounges open their doors to the public
28.12.2018 — Among other places, you can visit two historic government lounges at the Prague train stations. However, the last chance to see them is approaching fast - do not miss this opportunity on the 29th of December 2018.
Praha bude i nadále pomáhat mladým lidem se získáváním dovedností pro budoucí kariéru
16.5.2022 — Na základě uzavřeného memoranda funguje od roku 2019 spolupráce mezi hlavním městem Prahou a The Duke of Edinburghs International Award Czech Republic Foundation (DOFE). Cílem spolupráce je podporovat volnočasové aktivity a pomoci v získávání dovedností pro budoucí život a kariéru mladých lidí. Na základě pozitivních zkušeností proto radní hl. m. Prahy dnes rozhodli memorandum prodloužit až do roku 2026 a zapojit do spolupráce více škol.
Curriculum Vitae - RNDr. Tomáš Hudeček, Ph. D.
25.7.2012 —