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Tisková zpráva k výstupům Pracovní skupiny PVS k havárii pitné vody Dejvice 2015
30.6.2015 — V reakci na kvalitativní havárii pitné vody v Praze 6 – Dejvicích byla dne 1. 6. 2015 Pražskou vodohospodářskou společností, a.s., (dále jen PVS) ustavena Pracovní skupina, jejímž cílem bylo zjistit příčiny havárie a navrhnout opatření k minimalizaci rizik opakování obdobné havárie.
Dotace pro sociální pracovníky v terénu
24.6.2003 — zpráva z 24. jednání Rady hl. m. Prahy 24. června 2003
Dotace na místo telefonistky v učilišti
8.7.2003 — zpráva z 26. jednání Rady hl.m. Prahy 8. 7. 2003
Dotace na místo telefonisty v učilišti
23.9.2003 — K návrhu na navýšení rozpočtu vlastního HMP v roce 2003 o účelovou neinvestiční dotaci ze státního rozpočtu z Úřadu práce hl.m.Prahy určenou na zřízení společensky účelného pracovního místa
Vladimíra Egertová: Spirits? The older the better!
23.1.2019 — Do you also like something stronger from time to time? In that case, you should try spirits from the Botanical Garden of the City of Prague (Botanická zahrada hlavního města Prahy). Its product range recently expanded as two new varieties were introduced. For a long time, the Botanical Garden of the City of Prague only offered its visitors wine. In 2017, however, it introduced a new range of products - three types of distilled spirits. Presently, there are two other types that contain 45% alcohol. "We decided to extend the range of spirits, since they have become popular amongst our clients. At the same time, we wanted to see the differences between the distilled spirit made from pomace and the one distilled from wine", says Vladimíra Egertová, the director of Vinice sv. Kláry (St Clare's Vineyard).
Vladimíra Egertová: Spirits? The older the better!
3.1.2019 — Do you also like something stronger from time to time? In that case, you should try spirits from the Botanical Garden of the City of Prague (Botanická zahrada hlavního města Prahy). Its product range recently expanded as two new varieties were introduced. For a long time, the Botanical Garden of the City of Prague only offered its visitors wine. In 2017, however, it introduced a new range of products - three types of distilled spirits. Presently, there are two other types that contain 45% alcohol. "We decided to extend the range of spirits, since they have become popular amongst our clients. At the same time, we wanted to see the differences between the distilled spirit made from pomace and the one distilled from wine", says Vladimíra Egertová, the director of Vinice sv. Kláry (St Clare's Vineyard).
Dotace pro Muzeum hl. m. Prahy
21.10.2003 — Hl. m. Praze byla v roce 2003 poskytnuta dotace Ministerstva kultury ČR ve výši 857 tis.Kč pro Muzeum hlavního města Prahy.