Allowance organisations of the City of Prague - field of culture

In the year 2008 the City of Prague was the founder of 19 allowance organisations in the field of culture. These organisations obtained non-investment contribution in the total amount of 849,231.8 thousand CZK and investment transfer in total amount of 149,184.9 thousand CZK.



The City of Prague is the founder of 10 theatres that realise total 43 premieres, played 2 732 performances and invited 720,488 visitors in year 2008. Theatres obtained non-investment contribution in total amount of 364,615 thousand CZK and investment transfer in the amount of 27,550 thousand CZK.



Number of premieres

Number of performances


of visitors

Contribution  of the City per ticket


Theatre Na Vinohradech



132 050


Music Theatre in Karlín



147 516


Prague municipal theatres/Městská divadla pražská



116 649


Theatre v Dlouhé



87 072


Theatre Na zábradlí



27 994


Theatre pod Palmovkou



56 496


Švanda's theatre in Smíchov



41 412





49 613


Studio Ypsilon



29 575


Theatre S + H



32 111




Symphonic orchestra of the City of Prague FOK

The City of Prague is the founder of the Symphonic orchestra of the City of Prague FOK (hereinafter “SO FOK“) that is the only allowance organisation of the City in the field of music with characteristics, tasks and functions of a metropolitan orchestra that are comparable with orchestras operating in other European capitals. SO FOK was founded seventy four years ago as a representative concert body of the capital and is the second largest symphonic body in the Czech Republic.


SO FOK organises its own concerts in Smetana’s Hall of the Municipal House in Prague, the concert brokerage of SO FOK organises other chamber concerts performed by external bodies and guest soloists in the church of St. Simon a Juda and in Rudolfinum. SO FOK obtained the non-investment contribution in the total amount of 77,000 thousand CZK in year 2008. As a part of meeting its foundation deed the SO FOK successfully got done the concert season 2008 by performing total 44 concerts in its own costs of the organisation, in co-operation with a rank of world-famous conductors and soloists. It realises other concerts on prestigious events like Prague Spring, Prague Autumn, Moravian Autumn, Smetana's Litomyšl, Ball of the City of Prague, Ball Prague – Wien and other prominent music events, e.g. performing the Bedřich Smetana's cycle Má vlast/My country as a part of the exceptional concert to celebrate the Day of the Republic on Oct. 28, 2008. The concert has been recorded and became the first title of the 2009 of the own label FOK.

In this year that was for the Symphonic orchestra of the City of Prague FOK very successful its performances were accompanied by the high level of interpretation. The SO FOK had an opportunity to represent this high level at concerts abroad representing the City of Prague at the same time. At the end of January the SO FOK returned from almost one-month long tour of Japan where it performed successfully at 14 concerts in 11 towns under conduction of its head-conductor Jiří Kout also accompanied by the director of SO FOK Ilja Šmíd.


Municipal library in Prague

The City of Prague is the founder of Municipal library in Prague (hereinafter “library“), the allowance organisation that is a public universal library, provides public librarian and information services and performs the regional function of the regional library for the City of Prague. In year 2008 the library had its central library, 42 branches in municipal districts as well as it operated 3 bibliobuses that had 18 stations at the end of the year. The central library and 38 branches were automated. Total 107,396 new librarian units were acquired. At the end of year 2008 the librarian fund covered 2,303,467 units (educational literature, fiction, maps, sound materials, electronic documents, sheets of music, graphics and reproductions). 16,8 mil. CZK was spent for purchase of the librarian fund (including newspapers, magazines and purchasing of databases).


Library (including its branches) in the year 2008:




AK* hereof

Readers up to 15 years age hereof

Readers up to 15 years age in v AK* hereof

For adults hereof

For youth hereof

For children hereof

Number of borrowed items








Number of registered readers

205 961







Number of visitors








Number of events








Number of participants in the event









*AK – automated library

** i.e. more that 33 borrowed items per reader

*** additional 432 599 on-line users can be added who performed some of addressable operations


In year 2008 the library obtained non-investment contribution in the total amount of 213,270.4 thousand CZK and investment transfer in the amount of 19,642.7 thousand CZK.


Matters of interest in the field of libraries:

The library started participation in the Opencard project as the first municipal allowance organisation, it allowed utilisation of this card as a full-value reader identification card and it partook in receiving the applications and issuing the cards in its 13 branches. The number of registered users specified above represents the highest figure throughout the history of the library. The digitisation of the fund of pragensia continued – based on the project HISPRA financed by the grant from financial mechanisms of EES and Norway – as well as work on making these documents accessible via web pages f the library. The unique Prague Bible was displayed as a part of the event Prague museum night, and its exhibition experienced great interest from public. The library also participated in other nation-wide and regional events as follows: March – month of Internet, Night with Andersen, book fair Svět knihy, 11th year of Bambiriáda, Days of Prague 11, nation-wide Week of libraries etc. The annual report of the library for year 2007 took the fifth place in the ladder of Czech Top 100 among annual reports of non-profit organisations and in total ranking it took 36th place. In June 2008 the library organised the annual conference of the IFLA – The Metropolitan Libraries Section under the auspices of the Mayor of the City of Prague and the ministry of culture of the Czech Republic, which was attended by 45 delegates from 24 countries, most of them directors of metropolitan libraries from Europe, America and Asia. 43 libraries as well as newly introduced bibliobuses were providing the Internet access, namely on 185 workstations.


Observatory and planetarium of the City of Prague


The City of Prague is the founder of Observatory and planetarium of the City of Prague (hereinafter “HaP“), the allowance organisation of natural-science character. Its task is to familiarise the wide public with astronomy and associated natural and technical sciences and to perform expert and research activities in the scope of its operation.

In year 2008 the HaP operated on the following workplaces: Štefánik Observatory (Petřín), Planetarium Prague (in Královská obora Stromovka), Observatory in Ďáblice, Cupola of M. Koperník at Kleť near Český Krumlov (common workplace with HaP České Budějovice).


The visitation of premises of the HaP was performed by 19,680 visitors in year 2008. The public was involved in a range of courses and circles for beginners and advanced. The HaP was opening its centres for exceptional observation of astronomical phenomena in the sky. At the beginning of the year the HaP put in the full operation the new stable astronomical exhibition in Štefánik Observatory and it installed 7 short-term topical exhibitions in its centres. It prepared and performed 6 new programmes especially in Planetarium. The HaP organised total 2,565 events, which were attended by 109,036 visitors.



Number of  participants –



Number of events/

for schools hereof

Number of participants of events/

school visitations hereof

Average price of ticket


Štefánik Observatory


505 / 269

8,960 / 6,490


Planetarium Prague


   1,846 / 859

94,939 / 69,469


Observatory Ďáblice


214 / 148

 5,137 / 4,468



In year 2008 the HaP obtained the non-investment contribution in total amount of 22,770 thousand CZK.


Matters of interest:

In year 2008 the HaP spent finances for multimedia centre with replicas space-suits and remote controlled vehicles on the Mars surface, which was appended by the exposition of cosmic technologies at the end of the year; near the end of the year this exposition has been attracting the great interest of children in the foyer of the Planetarium. The HaP was operating the Astrobus (mobile observatory with projecting presentation technology) that was utilised by 15 schools in nature and 20 summer camps. In the activities of the HaP the 30th anniversary of the start of the first Czechoslovak artificial satellite Magion 1 was put in remembrance. In the field of scientific activity especially observations of blindages of spatial bodies and varying stars. The public was offered with 97 evening astronomic observations. On Sunday Jun 22. 2008 the open-door day on the occasion of 80th anniversary of opening the Štefánik Observatory, which was attended by approx. 1,100 visitors.




Gallery of the City of Prague

In year 2008 the Gallery of the City of Prague obtained the non-investment contribution in total amount of 59,043 thousand CZK and investment transfer in the amount of 63,600 thousand CZK. In year 2008 the Gallery organised 18 exhibitions that were visited by 97,759 visitors.

Matter of interest: In year 2008 the reconstruction of Bílek's villa was begun including establishment of the centre of František Bílek for larger presentation of Bílek's life and work. In this year the Gallery of the City of Prague acquired also the Rothmayer's villa and started the preparation for its reconstruction. The villa will be incorporated into the sightseeing circuit of historically and architectonically significant Prague villas after reconstruction.



National cultural monument Vyšehrad

For year 2008 the National cultural monument Vyšehrad obtained the non-investment contribution in the amount of 35,427 thousand CZK, and investment funds in the amount of 1,000 thousand CZK. It organised 12 exhibitions including stable expositions that were visited by 29,623 viewers.

Matters of interest: NKP Vyšehrad organises every year the Japan ceremony of spring Bodaidju Macuri, or the Feast of limes under the auspices of the Embassy of Japan in the Czech Republic. 5th year of the festival Vyšehrátky was introduced with a new concept as a contemporary interactive whole-year project.



Museum of the City of Prague

For year 2008 the museum of the city of Prague obtained the non-investment contribution in the amount of 56,355 thousand CZK and investment transfer in the amount of 58,571 thousand CZK. It organised 16 exhibition events incl. permanent expositions that were visited by 89,070 viewers. The number of young visitors – school children and families with children increased significantly, which corresponds to the conceptual focusing of the organisation to this target group. It also organised 167 events for wide public: lectures, programmes for children and youth as well as topical cycles for third-year academy and the club of museum friends.

Matter of interest: In the institution the “Children's museum“ was constituted as a permanent interactive space motivating the child visitor to independent and amusing familiarising with history called “Welcome to the medieval house“.



Zoological Garden of the City of Prague

In year 2008 the Prague zoological garden was visited by 1,196,954 persons total; this is the third best result in the history of the organisation. The weekend free bus line from Holešovice railway station to the Zoo was established, free entrance for seniors above the age of 70 years was introduced and 1.00 CZK from each entrance ticket was devoted to the support of wild-nature animal protection projects. The most notable event of the year 2008 was the spring opening the new pavilion for Indian gavials, the most threatened crocodiles of the world. The new exposition not only introduced the animal species not bred in any other Zoo in Europe to visitors but also became the first successful step in the way towards the salvage of these particularly threatened animals. There is no comparable establishment in the world beyond India with such a large potential to breed and reproduce these rare animals and to return them into the nature. The pavilion encountered the extraordinary interest in public. Thanks to it even the highest daily number of visitors throughout the Prague zoo history was achieved the day of Mar. 30, 2008 – total 17,446 persons came to look at gavials in the single day. In year 2008 the Prague zoo organised 104 events for public. The most of them were held during weekends or holidays.

International appreciation of the Zoo Prague reflected also in their classification among the best zoological gardens of the world when they took the seventh position in the qualitative list published in Forbes magazine.

In year 2008 total 374 new animals came in the ZOO while 641 pieces of animal left the Zoo. Transports from Asia are the fundamental sign of the year 2008 – we managed to execute total 7 of them (from India, Malaysia, Sri Lanka, Indonesia). The most significant incomes were gavials and Malayan tiger without any question. The income of seven Indian gavials the day of Jan 23, 2008 from Madra Crocodile Bank Trust represents first individual animals of this species in the institution of the European association of zoos a aquariums. The Malayan tiger brought from Borneo the day of Aug 1, 2008 is just fourth individual animal imported to Europe from establishment of European breed.


Botanical Garden of the City of Prague

It is an allowance organisation of the City of Prague and it performs standard activities - collection and keeping the richest possible range of plants to keep the genetic fund and for exhibition and educational purposes (including own expedition activities). It forms public expositions, takes care of the development of the territory with respect to the interests of nature and landscape protection and recreational utilisation of the territory, takes care of the genetic fund of Czech and foreign botany. Its task is education, upbringing and enlightenment in the field of natural sciences, ecology and related fields in the context of cultural historical bindings (especially formation of a complex information system about plants, expert activities and co-operation with professional institutions, organising and arranging exhibitions, training events, professional seminars and similar events, guide and editor activities etc.).

Its territory at the right bank of Vltava River is formed in part by Vltava platform, partially by hillsides of Troja basin. Today appearance of the relief of the territory of the botanical garden was formed during the youngest Tertiary and especially in Quarternary. The territory belongs to wider regional unit covered under the name Barrandien. The total area of the territory is 46.70 hectare (27 hectare fenced hereof). Intensely cultivated expositions have 14.18 hectare, others cultivated expositions 11.35 hectare. The territory includes 7.22 hectare of forest expositions, 18.31 hectare of other expositions and 3.56 hectare of vineyards.

The Prague botanical garden purchased plants in total value of 453,000 CZK into its collections, it acquired total 160 species of new plants belonging to nine families filed in the CITES list into its collections.


In year 2008 the Prague botanical garden obtained the non-investment contribution in the total amount 64,450 thousand CZK and investment transfer in the amount of 14,871 thousand CZK.

The Prague botanical garden was visited by 304,452 total registered visitors in year 2008. The Fata Morgana greenhouse was visited by 152,824 visitors, the outdoor expositions by 151,628 visitors. In the garden visitors could view park-adapted areas with exhibition collection of decorative garden plants like irises, lacewings, summer annuals, garden perennials and alpine plants. The Japanese garden, exposition of Turkey and Mediterranean and collection of moor plants invited for visitation. The viewpoint to Vineyard of St. Clara offered one of the most beautiful looks of the historical Prague centre.


Matters of interest

The highest number of visitors was recorded at the exhibition of tropical butterflies (34,216 visitors) and the exhibition of orchids (20,464 visitors). In year 2008 especially implementation of the Cultivating background as a part of 1st stage of construction of Premises West. The path with supporting walls in the western part of the vineyard got a new form. In the Fata Morgana greenhouse the most extensive construction change was the installation of illumination system in the part of succulents.

The visitors have purchased goods and souvenir and promotional articles mostly focused to the topics of botanical garden, plants, butterflies etc. for 2,629 thousand CZK. 12 guides of high professional level and language skills were available for visitors.


19. března 2009
19. března 2009