Tourism in Prague in 2024

  • 1 minuta čtení

Prague was visited by a record number of tourists in 2024, with a total of 8 079 195 of them spending at least one night in a mass accommodation facility. This thus exceeded the existing record from the pre-COVID year of 2019 by the slender margin of 0.4%. The total number of overnight stays in the past year reached 18 326 168. The year-on-year increase of guests was 8.6% and in number of nights spent 8.7%. A majority of the tourists were from abroad (6 506 081), with the absolute most coming from Germany (16.2%), followed by nearly a half million from the United States (7.6%) and the United Kingdom (7.3%). The number of domestic tourists that spent a night in the capital was 1 573 114.

The whole Czech Statistical Office report is here. (in czech only)

7. března 2025
7. března 2025